News and Announcements
- CURES Investigator Dr. Shawn McElmurry to lead independent team looking at the Legionella cases in Flint water crisis
- Dr. Douglas Ruden featured in "Researchers investigating how lead exposure could affect DNA "
- Ph.D. Dissertation Defense: Candidate for Ph.D. in Pharmacology with Concentration in Molecular and Environmental Toxicology- Asmita Pant
- CURES Seminar Series 2015 - 2016 Schedule
- The Center for Urban Responses to Environmental Stressors (CURES): Announces a Request for Pilot Project Proposals
- Wayne State researchers discover evidence that lead exposure in mothers can affect future generations
- Presentation: Residential Changes and Their impacts: Analyzing the Experiences of Older Detroiters - June 24
- Karmanos researchers collaborate with CURES to study environmental links to disease development
- Enrollment in the noise study for firefighters
- Internal Funding Announcement: request for pilot project proposals from the Center for Urban Responses to Environmental Stressors - LOI's due Nov. 4
- Internal Funding Announcement: request for pilot project proposals from the Center for Urban Responses to Environmental Stressors - INFORMATIONAL MEETING - Oct. 17, 2014
- IEHS featured in National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences newsletter, Environmental Factor
- 2014 CURES Pilot Award Recipients
- Wayne State University receives $2.4 million NIH center grant to develop a cleaner, healthier environment in Detroit
- Internal Funding Announcement: request for pilot project proposals from the Center for Urban Responses to Environmental Stressors